I decided to dedicate this post to my experiences with people from other countries that all want to ask me WTF is going on in the United States. Those of you who know me well are not surprised. :) . With 45 in office being an American citizen traveling abroad has quite a unique experience.

So my first is school is amazing... They shuffle you around to be with various teachers to get different experiences and work on different subjects. I had a total of seven hours of Spanish in one day between the school and my host family and totally but happily exhausted. :)

When I got to my second class everyone takes turns going around the room introducing  themselves; their name and what country they are from. When it comes to me and I say I'm from the United States.... immediately the teacher joked about "what is going on with the majority of Americans liking Trump?" All the students turn towards me, granted they're ALL from other countries all over the world... I am the only one from the US. They look at me like yeah, what is the deal ? Everyone is waiting me to answer and they all start laughing.
Well, I couldn't go into a big explanation about what the electoral college was and that he really didn't get the popular vote (I didn't have the time and I couldn't explain it in Spanish),  also other countries don't operate this way. The person that gets the most votes wins. They don't understand. I did tell them that it was not true and that many millions (the majority) did not vote for him and do not like what he's doing and there are many millions protesting around the country regularly. So we all laughed and moved on. Sadly the vast majority of the people in the world think that most Americans want this man to be the president..... so sad. :(

I took a side trip to Stuttgart, Germany to visit some good friends of mine. I had my boarding pass and my passport ready, standing in line to get on my plane. When I approached the man collecting tickets he looked at my passport and said in Spanish... "When are you going back to the states, I told him at the end of June". He then said "Don't say hello to Trump." I put my head down and shook it and informed him that many people are upset and millions are protesting. He then asked me... "What is going on over there? Is there a chance he will be impeached?" I responded with...yes there was a chance. Esta veces estan muy loco!

Of course, when I go out to dinner or drinks with a new friend, they always want to bring up the topic because the want to speak to someone American about it.  I don't mind because I like to represent us well and inform them of what is happening, they can only see from afar. During the election last year I was in several countries in Europe the entire month of June and 100% of everyone I spoke to wanted to talk to me about him.....ALL of them were shocked... with WTF faces on them. My experiences are exactly the same, but now the shocked face have grave concern. They all understand global politics far more than the majority of Americans do, which is why they are concerned and fearful about this man holding the most powerful position in the world.