I went on a walking tour of the oldest neighborhood in Barcelona called the Gothic Quarter. It’s quite a beautiful area with amazing history. Heard some crazy stories of the past. It’s so fun to hear them described in such intricate detail from so many years ago. My guides name was Miki and he was extremely knowledgeable and very passionate. He is a musician by trade, a drummer and does the tours to make extra money so he can make a living. He’s from Italy, near Florence and in the picture you see us doing an Italian gesture with his encouragement.

Some nasty history in this area… remember, this is the oldest area of Spain – Spanish Inquisition just for starters….. anyway see these two pics below? They are in a courtyard of a primary school.  Notice the marks on the wall of the building on the left (same building as the school), they are bullet holes — this was a firing squad area.

Are you familiar with the AMAZING song “My Immortal” by  Evanescence? Amy Lee walks around this fountain in the music video.


Just a super cool dragon 🙂    And an ancient Roman cemetery!


That’s all I got on this tour…. moving too fast and a lot of crowds.